Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Stylish Surfer

I don't know if you've ever ordered anything from Brooks Brothers, but if you have, most likely you are bombarded with emails on an almost daily basis imploring you to take part in their latest sale.  I don't mind this at all as I like Brooks Brothers clothes and like spending less money.

Today though I received an extra treat in my inbox aside from the chance to simultaneously save and be well-clad.   That extra treat being unintentional humor.

The ad above features a guy allegedly going surfing.  Wanting to do it right, he apparently had his hair done just prior to leaving home.  It's definitely smart to look good while you wait for the first wave (after which your hair will be of course....wet.)

Following this, he put on an immaculate white fisherman's sweater, followed by some white semi-dressy pants.  This is a guy who puts style before, say, worrying about getting dirty beach sand on his clothes.  Either that or he wanted to be "rebellious" like a surfer, so he is flaunting the "no white after Labor Day" rule.

Even more rebellious was his decision to carry his board with the wax side facing his body.  Nope, he's not concerned at all about smearing surf wax on his fabulous duds. Maybe he has a closet full of pristine white fisherman sweaters at his beach cottage or something.

I guess he is planning to put his wetsuit on at the water's edge or something....