Monday, June 18, 2012

Summer Reading Begins

I apologize for this terribly fuzzy picture showing what page I'm on.

So I have embarked on my summer reading.  My first book is London Calling, which of course has made me have the Clash song stuck in my head all day.

Before I begin describing this book, I'll tell you that I had an embarrassing experience.  I went to the Beverly Hills Public Library to check out this book.  I did not have my card, but no problem, they could look it up.

Well, it turns out I owed them $35!  Again, no problem - I'll pay right now.

While the guy was ringing me up, I asked him, "So, is this a book that was never returned?  I feel bad if so."

"Oh, you returned it, it's just overdue fines."

"Really?  So how long was it overdue?"

"Well the book wasn't overdue very long, but the fines were overdue for, let me see.....four years."

Four years!

That means I haven't checked out a book in (at least) four years?  Shame on me!

Anyway, back to London Calling.  This book surprised me right away because I thought it would be set in London.  But it was set in New Jersey and Boston (even mentioning the Green Line there!) so that made it familiar.  As did its description of a private school with clashes between "legacies" (kids paying) and "scholarships" (kids who have parents working there or go free.)  The heroes are of course the scholarships!

Another neat moment was the description of a "real world dream" which for the main character was having a dream where the dream is taking place in the same room you are sleeping in.  Thus you don't actually know if it is real.  I haven't had that happen too often, but when it does, it is pretty scary/disorienting.  Interestingly, the character also describes simply ordering himself to wake up if the dream is too scary, which is another thing I sometimes do.

Well....don't want to give too much of the story away.  London does come into play, and I'll be honest I did feel things got bogged down once it got into details about World War 2. But I'm not a war buff so if you are it might be your favorite part.  There is a fairly creative mystery the author has created, and I imagine it's a great way for kids to learn a little history.

Well, that is my long-winded summer reading story.  Part 2 I will put in the summer reading section whenever I finish it.