Friday, May 31, 2013

Watermelon with Seeds

Where did all the seeds go?

At one time, all watermelons had seeds.  They were also really large.

Somewhere along the line, the watermelons got small, and the seeds disappeared.

Did the watermelon also become really mushy?  It seems that way.

Apparently 90% of all watermelon sold in the US is now seedless.  In 2004, the number was around 50%.

I decided what I really wanted was a watermelon with seeds, if only because it just doesn't seem like a watermelon unless you have them.

I visited a few farmer's markets, but did not see any watermelons, seedless or seeded.

Then I spotted a cart at Whole Foods that prominently said "Watermelons WITH SEEDS."  They had capitalized the "with seeds" part.  I made a note to return the next day and pick one up.

Came back next day - and they were all gone.

Except one watermelon.  It was a huge one, shaped like a kidney bean.

I'll continue this riveting story on Monday....