Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Jaywalking Patrol!

Here is a story about how diligent the BHPD is.

First, a word about the BHPD.  There are so many officers in town, one cannot drive for more than 10-15 seconds without seeing one.  Some say it is the highest police to citizen ratio in the world.  All the more noticeable because the LAPD is perhaps the thinnest police force in the country.

So back to the story.  I was obtaining my daily coffee from Peet's (which has thankfully stopped asking me if I want "dark" or "medium" roast, and just gives me "dark," which in reality is their "normal.)  As I was entering, a police officer pushed past me.  I was thinking maybe he was going for the free coffee that officers always get.  (Police get free food wherever they go, in case you weren't aware.)

They usually don't cut in line, though.

But what this office was doing was not about complimentary coffee.  He was tracking down a jaywalker!

The guy was at the back of Peet's.  Apparently he had jaywalked, then entered the store and sat down.  The officer saw him, and decided he would pursue!

Following a short conversation (in front of the whole store), the officer and criminal stepped outside, where a ticket was written while everyone watched through the window.

These tickets are over $200 by the way!

So there is your brief tale.  Obvious moral of the story: don't jaywalk in Beverly Hills!