Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Before Midnight

So I got around to seeing this movie.

Most reviews I try to avoid, as they reveal the plot.  In fact I try to get to movies about 10 minutes late to avoid trailers for the same reason.

But it's really hard to discuss the merits (or lack thereof) of a movie without giving away hints.

What I'll say for this movie is that it definitely continues the tradition of the first two, and lives up to what was started.  (See posts from a couple weeks ago if you don't know about the first two.)

I can also say it must have been hard to think up a sequel and make it "work" and not be cliched or predictable, but they managed to do it.

What is amazing about all three movies, but particularly this one, is the acting.  How they were able to film such long shots with very, very long stretches of dialogue, and make it seem so spontaneous...I do not know.  It is really impressive, and whether one likes the story or not, one has to be taken with the craft.  Apparently, from what I've read, these lines which seem completely improvised and natural were very much scripted and planned out - even fought over.  Perhaps because the two leads had a hand in writing, the end result felt more real.

Anyway the only complaint would be that it leaves you hanging, which is probably intentional.  But in this one, unlike the first two, you really feel like you only got a tiny sliver of the characters' lives.  I could have gone another two hours.

We will have to wait another 9 years for the next one.