Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Watch That Can Never Be Fixed

This is my favorite watch.

That can never be fixed.

You are probably saying, "Gosh that picture is blurry!"  Well part of that is because it was taken with a point-and-shoot that does not handle close-ups well.

But part of it is because there is some moisture under this watch which makes it blurry. In real life it is not really this blurry at all, but just a little hazy.

I have taken this watch in to get fixed, but nobody will repair it, because it will break the warranty.

The only alternative is to send it to Timex.  (Yes, it is a Timex.  Hey, I like Timex watches!)

So I looked online and, yes, they will fix any Timex watch for free!

However....they say that they may fix your watch, or they may just REPLACE your watch, and if they do so, it may not be the same model.  AND....they will not send your old watch back!

Now I cannot risk sending in my old watch only to get back some OTHER imposter watch!  That would be like sending your kid to the doctor with the warning that they might just give you back some other kid "of similar value."

So the watch must forever remain cloudy.  It can barely even light up in its Indiglo glory anymore.  And no, they do not make this model any longer.

And that is the story of the watch that can never be fixed.