Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I Have Seen the Light

Here is one of these new lightbulbs, the ones with the odd-looking coils.

This one has a shell around it to make it more familiar.

When a bulb recently burned out, I saw some of these special bulbs and decided to spend the extra five bucks and buy one.  They claim to last 7 years.  As opposed to a normal bulb which seems to last 7 months.

The test will be to see how long the bulb really lasts.

Here is the bulb removed from its packaging.

You can sort of see the strange coils inside.

Here it is ready to start its 7 year life.

I guess if I really wanted to test the bulb, I would leave it on like this for 7 years.  But I will be fair and use it normally.

Check back in 7 years for the results.