Monday, February 4, 2013

I Love the Superbowl!

This is a picture from Superbowl I, which was held in 1967 at the LA Coliseum.

The Superbowl is my favorite day of the year.   To me it represents complete freedom to do anything - no restrictions, no hassles, no lines, no traffic.

It's like a major holiday, but with every store open, and no dull Christmas parties to attend.

Every trail is wide open, waves go unridden, parking is plentiful...  The 405 almost looks like that day they closed it down.

And since everyone in the world is watching it, you know nobody is going to call, email, or expect you to be anywhere important.

It's basically a free day.  A day off from the world.

So thank you Superbowl.  And no, I still don't know who won.