Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Challenge

Never a fan of the Superbowl, one year I noticed that a month had gone by and I still did not really know who had won the Superbowl, nor who the two teams were.

From then on, it became a personal contest to see how long I could go without knowing who had won the Superbowl.

One year I went an entire year - essentially never finding out.

Of course, this was pre-internet, and today you can simply be pumping gas and be bombarded by some kind of unwanted news from a tiny monitor.  Just checking your email is dangerous.

This year, I am of course dreading election coverage.  Just tell me who won tomorrow, thanks.

So I've decided to see how long I can go before I know who the next president is.

Of course, I may be tempted to watch the Colbert Report tonight, but......